25+ Python Project Ideas (Beginners to Experienced)

25+ Python Project Ideas (Beginners to Experienced)

Python is an extremely popular programming language, and over 8.2 million developers worldwide use it for their projects. To master Python, you must create a few projects to apply your knowledge and skills. 

Completing projects gives you a sense of accomplishment and enhances your learning. Working on real-world projects helps you retain your knowledge while motivating you to challenge yourself and try trickier projects to acquire new skills. 

You can identify your strengths and weaknesses and determine the right path for yourself. It is your chance to put your learning into practice. However, the biggest problem is to come up with new and innovative ideas for Python projects to work on. 

This comprehensive guide will explore a range of Python project topics for beginners and advanced programmers. These project ideas aim to help you get practical experience to deepen your understanding of Python programming. So, let’s get started. 

Python Projects for Beginners

Once you learn Python programming, it’s essential to work on a few projects to enhance your knowledge and gain hands-on experience. It is also an opportunity for beginners to apply their coding skills in real-life situations. Below, we have listed 10 Python project ideas for beginners to upscale their capabilities and make them career-ready. 

1. Number Guessing Game

It is a great project idea that involves guessing the number based on the hits from the computer. Whenever a user gives the wrong answer, the computer helps them with another hint to make it easier. In this project, you are supposed to build a game that allows users to select a range of numbers to guess. The aim of the user is to guess the number selected by the computer within the minimum guesses. 

Source Code- Number Guessing Game

2. Screen or Voice Recorder

Python is used to create many applications, and a voice recorder is one of them. Using the sounddevice module in Python, we can record and play audio. Also, when we use the Wavio and Scipy modules with the sounddevice module, we can save the recorded audio.  

We can also use Python to record videos. Its pyautogui module is used for this purpose, and with OpenCV and NumPy modules, we can manipulate and save images, i.e., screenshots.

3. Countdown Calculator

Python is a general-purpose programming language used to perform different tasks. If you are looking for beginners Python projects, a countdown calculator is a great option. It allows you to input two dates and calculate the time between them. You will get to work and familiarize yourself with the datetime module while building this project. 

You can also create a countdown timer that takes the length of the countdown in seconds and starts the timer in the format minutes:seconds. It is built using the time module. 

4. GIF Creator

We have all seen GIFs, an animated series of images conveying an impression of movement. People now want quality GIFs to communicate with others via messages or social media platforms, such as Instagram, WhatsApp, etc. 

They are fun and engaging. Guess what. Now, you can create your own GIF using Python. This interesting GIF creator project can design GIFs using images. It uses the MoviePy module (used to edit videos (concatenations, cuts, and title insertions), video processing, and video composition or non-linear editing. It can read and write common video formats, including GIFs. You can install the MoviePy module using the following command:

pip install moviepy

Source Code- GIF Creator

5. Binary Search Algorithm

The binary search algorithm is a system that takes an input starting from 0 to any range specified. It displays the range of numbers with a difference of two. 

Also read: Python Language Advantages & Benefits

6. Rock Paper Scissors Game

You must have played rock-paper-scissors at some point in your life. It’s a simple yet engaging game. So, why not convert it into an exciting computer game using Python? This will let users play their favorite game anywhere, anytime, and from any computer. 

You can create this game without using external game libraries like PyGame. The player chooses between rock, paper, and scissors, and the computer randomly picks one. The winner is decided according to the rules. The move can be in1dicated using a single alphabet or an entire string.

To implement this game, we use Tkinter(a standard GUI library for creating GUI apps) and a random Python module (to generate random numbers). 

This game uses the following functions:

A valid function to check the validity of the user’s move.

A random function to generate rock, paper, or scissors. 

A result function to declare the winner.

A scorekeeper to track scores.

Source Code- Rock Paper Scissors

7. Email Slicer

One of the easiest ideas for Python projects is an email slicer. Wondering what it is? It is a simple tool that takes an email address as input and slices it to generate the username and related domain. We divide the email into two strings using the @ symbol as the separator.

The best part about this project is that it doesn’t require any setup, so you can directly get started with coding and building it. 

Source Code- Email Slicer

8. Attendance Tracker

Gone are the days when colleges used registers to track students’ attendance. This involved a lot of paperwork, time, and manual effort. Also, tracking the number of leaves taken by a student or staff member was tricky. Fortunately, many colleges have started using an automated attendance tracker system for every subject or lecture. 

It is a simple system for attendance that takes an Excel sheet containing email addresses and the number of leaves in each class as input. It automatically tracks attendance and sends reminder emails to students who have just one leave left. Any further leave will be regarded as a lack of attendance and the student won’t be allowed to write the exam. 

Users only have to enter the roll number and subject code, and the system will take care of the rest. It uses two modules: openpyxl and smtplib & email. The former updates and reads from the Excel sheet, while the latter sends out emails. 

9. Live Weather Desktop Notification

A few years back, we relied on newspapers and news channels for our daily weather forecasts. However, with innovation in the tech world, we now use apps to stay updated with the weather in our daily lives. Hence, building a live weather desktop notification system is a great idea.

It combines logic and script with some hassle-free techniques that everyone can understand. The script uses the following libraries and modules:

win10toast- It is used to create desktop notifications and can be installed using the mentioned command:

pip install win10toast

bs4-  It stands for Beautiful Soup. This Python library extracts data from HTML and XML files. Install this module using the following command:

pip install bs4

Requests- It is used to send HTTP/1.1 requests and can be installed using the following command:

pip install requests

Start by pulling the data from the given URL.

  • Scrape the data using requests and bs4.
  • Convert data into HTML code, find required details, and sort them.
  • Save the output in the string.
  • Pass the result in the Notification object. 

10. Image to Sound

As a beginner, you need to work on a few projects that showcase your skills and knowledge. Image to sound is one such idea for Python projects for students that can help them upskill themselves and test their capabilities. 

Here, the image will be displayed with the relevant sound in the background. So, if you see trees and forests, you will hear the sound of a forest. To convert an image to sound, you need one image file and one sound file.

You can create this object using OCR (optical character recognition) and Speech Synthesis, and combine the two into a single working program. You will use the pytesseract library in Python to perform OCR with a single line of code. 

Source Code- Image to Sound

Python Projects for Intermediate

Once you gain a little expertise in Python, it’s time to move on to more complex projects. You can dive deeper into Python frameworks and modules to build these projects and acquire advanced Python skills

1. Reddit Bot

We all know about Reddit, even if we haven’t used it. It is a popular question-answer platform that allows people to connect with each other and be a part of different communities. 

You can create a bot linked to Reddit to automate comments on the posts. The prerequisites for this project idea include Praw and a Reddit account. Start by picking a subreddit to scan, decide a comment to search, set the bot’s reply, and create a config.py file using the Reddit account details. You also need to create a Reddit.py file with the bot requirements. 

Source Code- Reddit Bot

2. Fibonacci Generator

Most coders and programmers are familiar with the Fibonacci series, which refers to a sequence of numbers where each number is the sum of the two preceding numbers. A Fibonacci sequence is mathematically defined by its recurrence relationship. Mathematically,

This project requires you to create a recursive function that checks whether a number is part of a Fibonacci series. Make sure the data is large enough to accommodate Fibonacci values and use memoization by storing values calculated at runtime while using the top-down approach to recursion. 

Source Code- Fibonacci Generator

3. Password Generator

We all use different accounts for different digital platforms. However, creating a strong password for each account can be tricky. So, why not create a password generator that simplifies this task? 

For intermediate students looking for fun Python projects topics, password generator is surely a great pick. This project can be used to create random passwords that are a mix of numbers, alphabets, and alphanumeric characters. 

Users can trust this system to create customized passwords. To build this project, store all characters as a list using the string module, or you have to type every character individually. The system will ask the user for the password length and using the random.shuffle, it will shuffle all the characters. 

An empty list will store the password. The random.choice method is used to choose random characters, which will be added to the password. The join method will create a string from the list of passwords. 

Source Code- Password Generator

4. Employee Management System

An organization has to maintain a plethora of records about its employees, such as their joining date, birthday, leaves, working hours, and last working day in the office. Handling such a vast amount of data manually is not possible, and companies need a smart and automated system. 

Hence, a database-driven employee management system is a great idea for your Python project. It can store information in the MySQL database and allow users to change employee details quickly using different functions. 

This system takes information from the database, updates the details, and applies the changes in the record. The best part is that when the system is connected to the database, there are less chances of losing information even when you close a program. 

Also read: History of Python: Origin, Founder, Versions

5. File Sharing App

You can make a simple file-sharing app using Python. For this, you will use different Python modules, including:

  • The socketserver module to write network servers without hassle.
  • HTTPServer, a socketserver, to create and listen at the HTTP socket.
  • The webbrowser module that offers a high-level interface that displays web-based documents.
  • The OS module allows interaction with the operating system and is used for manipulating paths, opening files, and reading lines in files on the command line.
  • The pyqrcode module generates the QR code within two lines of code.
  • PyPNG enables the PNG files to be read and written using Python. 

Start by installing third-party modules (pyqrcode and pypng) and install the dependencies using pip install. Now, import required modules, such as socktserver, pyqtcode, png, and http.server.

Assign the user name and port, find the IP address of the system and convert it into a QR code, create the HTTP request, and display the QR code in the browser.

6. Quiz Application

Quizzes don’t always have to be serious and competitive. Fun quizzes are an effective way to learn new things, test our knowledge, and improve our understanding while entertaining ourselves. 

A quiz application is among the best Python projects for intermediate learners. It presents questions related to varied topics and concepts and expects answers from users. Users can create different tests and answer the questions to assess their knowledge.  

It can be a fun group activity with a set of quizzes. Users ask each other questions, and others must answer them correctly to earn points. The app also tracks the score and displays the final result in the end. To create tests, users can upload a text file with questions and answers. Choose the text file format so the app can convert it into a quiz. Its database will store questions, answers, and scores. 

Source Code- Quiz Application

7. Currency Converter

If you want to build a simple GUI application, then here is an idea for your project. This currency converter allows users to convert their currency from one unit to another. It has a straightforward design that focuses primarily on the main function, i.e., converting currency units. 

Using Tkinter, you can access the Tk GUI toolkit in Python. Along with Python programming, this project requires basic knowledge of the Pygame library. Get the real-time exchange rates, import libraries like requests (to get the URL) and Tkinter (for UI), create a CurrencyConverter class to get the real-time exchange rates, convert the currency, and show the converted unit, and design a UI and the main function. 

Source Code- Currency Converter

8. Twitter Sentiment Analysis

Sentiment analysis refers to computationally assessing if a piece of writing is neutral, positive, or negative. It is also called opinion mining and determines the opinion of the user. Sentiment analysis is an interesting project idea that tests your skills and knowledge of Python. 

As more people are using Twitter to post their opinions and thoughts about different aspects of life, a sentiment analysis system can be quite useful in avoiding any negative comments. It is used across different sectors and industries. 

For example, it is used in politics to track political views and find consistency or inconsistency between statements and actions. It also predicts the election results. Businesses use it to develop marketing strategies, understand customer behavior, and respond to their products or campaigns. This project can also monitor and analyze social phenomena to detect potentially dangerous situations. 

9. Instagram Bot

Another Python project example is Instagram Bot, which is ideal for beginners who want to work on small projects that are fun yet help them enhance their understanding of Python. 

This project enables the Instagram bot to like, comment, and follow profiles with specific hashtags on posts. We use InstaPy for this project, so install the Firefox browser because the latest version of InstaPy is not compatible with Chrome. 

10. Dice Rolling Simulator

The last Python project idea for intermediate is a fun dice-rolling simulator that generates random numbers every time you run the program. Users can roll the dice any number of times and the program will generate a random number between 1 and 6 each time the dice is rolled. 

Once a user rolls the dice, the app will ask if they want to roll the dice again. The program is capable of picking numbers randomly and printing them. You can use the text-based UI to specify the number of six-sided dice. We use the random module as this simulator randomly generates the number in the output.  

As you work on this project, you will learn to use the .center() and .join() methods to manipulate strings, phrase and validate user input, simulate the dice rolling using random.randint(), and use the input() function to take input at the command line.

Source Code- Dice Rolling Simulator

Python Projects for Advanced

You have mastered the basics and worked on some complex projects, so let’s try building high-end applications using advanced concepts. 

1. Building Chatbot

A chatbot is an artificial intelligence-based software application that can interact with humans, responding to their questions and doubts in their natural language. Whenever you visit any e-commerce platform or any other website, you can see a box popping up in the corner asking you some questions to get your information. 

Companies use chatbots to solve customer problems and provide 24*7 support to their clients. You can create a chatbot that can chat like a human and extract customer details. 

This project requires you to initialize variables and import necessary packages. While working with text data, perform data processing on the dataset before you design the machine learning model. Add features like memory, learning, topi-based conversation handling, and conditional switch. This project will get trickier during training and testing datasets, so be meticulous while performing these tasks.

Source Code- Chatbot 

2. Plagiarism Checker

Writers often face issues with their content when it shows plagiarism. This is a major barrier that can hamper their work. They need a reliable plagiarism tool to evaluate their content and ensure it is plagiarism-free.

Hence, we have listed the plagiarism checker among the top Python projects with source code. This powerful tool scans content carefully and finds if it matches any source published online. It uses natural language processing with a search API to build an efficient plagiarism checker. 

Use the Natural Language Toolkit (NLTK) to prepare the dataset with your texts to train the ML model. Also, training the model requires us to tokenize the root words from texts. TensorFlow, a popular Python library, is used for building neural networks with various parameters, consisting of an input layer, output layer, and hidden layers.

This project will help you understand stemming words, the basics of natural language processing, neural networks, and tokenization. 

Source Code- Plagiarism Checker

3. Content Aggregator

You need Python and Django framework to create a content aggregator. For writers, reading multiple articles and finding the best content to write a top-notch article is tedious and time-consuming. 

However, the content aggregator surfs through various websites, finds the best material, and collects them in one place. This project will enhance your knowledge of RSS feeds, running custom commands, creating custom Django management commands, and testing the app’s functionality using unit testing. 

For this project, you will create a list of sites to collect data from, scrape the content of these sites using Python libraries like BeautifulSoup and HTTP request sender, and use Apscheduler for background content management. 

Source Code- Content Aggregator

4. Automating Scrolling

What if you could perform your task without any input but using only a mouse or touchpad? Automated scrolling allows this. This project uses the OpenCV module, and screen scrolling uses color detection. When the program detects a specific color during execution, the screen starts scrolling automatically. 

This is a highly recommended idea in our Python projects list. It requires you to import the module and use cv2 to capture video.

Also read: Top 21 Python Developer Skills You Must Have in 2024

5. Digital Clock

You can use Tkinter to create various GUI applications, and a digital clock is one of them. It requires Python functions, time module (to retrieve the time of the system), and Tkinter basics. 

6. Face Mask Detection

The pandemic has taught us to be careful while going to public places. We have started wearing face masks to ensure our safety and that of others. Many malls and markets have a strict policy for face masks. However, manually checking and finding people without face masks can be daunting. 

Hence, a face mask detector is a perfect solution and can be used in malls and common meeting places. You can develop a deep-learning model using Python, OpenCV, and Keras. The face mask detector will check whether a person is wearing a mask. Keras-based network architecture trains the model, and OpenCV tests it. 

Source Code- Face Mask Detection

7. Music Player

Whether driving, working, or jogging, we love listening to music. Right? How fun would it be if you could create your own music player that allows you to scan through files and find your favorite music? It certainly sounds exciting.

This music player project with an interactive UI allows users to find different songs, control the volume, and add music to their playlists. You would need to install Pygame and Tkinter on your system to build this project. The Pygame library is used to play, pause, and stop music, while Tkinter is used to render the menu and its buttons and load music from files. This lightweight module is also used to create a cross-platform application, so you have to write the code once, and it will work on macOS, Windows, and Linux. 

Python has an in-built method known as mixer() that we use to handle sound files, including pausing, unpausing, loading, playing, and stopping the music file. We also use various functions for this project.

Source Code- Music Player

Why Are Projects Important?

Learning Python is one thing, and implementing your Python skills and knowledge in real life is another. You must often work on projects to upskill yourself, gain more experience, and seek the benefits mentioned below:

  • When you build a project from the ground up, you handle all the nitty-gritty details of its lifecycle. You get familiar with every development stage, including planning, managing, and updating, while meeting the client’s requirements.
  • You get comfortable with Python and gain confidence to try its cutting-edge and complex features.
  • Building varied projects gives you access to different fields, such as web development, machine learning, data science, etc. 
  • You build a strong foundation and hone your skills to write and maintain code. You understand how to create design patterns, avoid repetitive codes, and integrate OOP concepts.
  • By creating open-source projects, you not only become part of a huge community but build your own community. 

FAQs- Python Projects

1. What should be my first Python project?

We suggest starting with a beginner-level and simple Python project, like a calculator or number guessing game. This will help you master basic concepts, such as variables, conditionals, and functions. Once you get comfortable with the fundamentals, create more complex projects that involve calculations or incorporate GUI using libraries.Prefer picking Python projects that are simple and offer plenty of scope for expansion. 

2. How long does it take to learn advanced Python?

The time required to learn Python from basic to advanced can vary based on your learning pace, capabilities, background, experience, time you invest, and your dedication. If you are consistent with your practice, you can achieve proficiency in around 4-6 months. To specialize in web development or data science, you need to invest 10-12 months. 

3. Is Python good for large projects?

Python is a suitable programming language for all kinds of projects, be it simple or large and complex. However, if you pick Python for large projects, you would need loose coupling and high cohesion. It is fast at handling mathematical operations. 

4. How do I move from a beginner to an advanced level in Python?

As you go from beginner to advanced level, enhance your skills by learning complex concepts, including data structure and object-oriented programming. You must also delve deeper into Python libraries and constantly work on open-source projects to implement your knowledge and gain hands-on experience. Keep challenging yourself by trying something new and taking risks. Also, don’t forget to engage with the Python community to seek guidance whenever you need it.


So, these are the best ideas for Python projects that beginners and professionals can try. Creating and working on multiple projects is an opportunity to implement your skills and knowledge while gaining hands-on experience. Start working on these projects and build a strong foundation to be a skilled and top-notch Python developer. All the Best!