Top 21 Python Developer Skills You Must Have in 2024 - WsCube Tech Blog

Top 21 Python Developer Skills You Must Have in 2024

In the constantly evolving tech world, Python has emerged as one of the most in-demand programming languages. It is the most preferred language among developers, offering endless opportunities for people looking for high-paying and promising jobs

Python enables developers to build powerful applications, ranging from data science to web development to automation and machine learning. Companies want skilled Python developers to handle their projects and create scalable applications. 

So, what’s the secret sauce to being a highly sought-after Python developer? What differentiates an average programmer from an accomplished one?

In this blog, we will unlock all the secrets to being a successful Python developer, exploring the essential skills for a Python developer. Whether you are a seasoned coder or a beginner, you need to master these skills to make it big in the tech industry. This guide will show you the path to becoming a versatile and skilled developer who can tackle any challenge that comes your way. So, let’s get started and uncover the skills required to have a fulfilling career as a Python developer. 

What Is Python?

Python is a versatile programming language with features like simple syntax, ease of use, and readability, making it beginner-friendly. It reads like the English language, so it is easy to learn.

Python is widely used for web development, data analysis, automation, and machine learning. Hence, it is a valuable tool for programmers working across different fields and industries. Python’s extensive libraries and active community support make it a popular choice among coders. 

No wonder Python offers lucrative and promising career opportunities. If you want to hone your Python skills, take our Python course online and kickstart your career confidently. 

What Does a Python Developer Do?

A Python developer works as a member of a software development team, creating, designing, maintaining, and delivering software applications and more using Python. Using Python programming skills, developers handle complex projects to meet client requirements. They identify and fix bugs in applications and other programs. They also handle various other tasks, such as:

  • Scripting design
  • Web development
  • Web scraping
  • Data analysis
  • Web frameworks
  • Automation

Although their specific duties may vary based on the team size, project, and industry, their primary responsibilities include:

Problem-solving- They find and resolve bugs and technical issues within software.

Writing Code- They write code using Python to create powerful and scalable applications.

Team Collaboration- They work closely with designers, project managers, developers, quality analysts, and other team members to successfully deliver projects. 

Staying Updated- They must learn, grow, and adapt continuously to upskill themselves and stay updated with the latest developments related to Python frameworks, libraries, and best practices. 

Also read: Python Developer Salary in India 2024 (Freshers & Experienced)

Top Python Developer Skills to Know

Now that you know what you will do as a Python developer, it’s time to take the next step and dig deeper. Below, we have listed top Python skills that you must master to become a knowledgeable and career-ready Python developer. Acquire these capabilities to write clean, efficient, and maintainable code and deliver excellent project outcomes to clients. 

1. Core Python Concepts

The first step to learning Python and becoming a skilled Python developer is to master its core and fundamental concepts. They are the foundation of Python programming, and to be proficient in it, you must have a strong hold on its concepts, which include:

2. Knowledge of Frameworks

Python web frameworks, such as Django and Flask, are quite popular among developers. Web developers use these frameworks because they are easy to use, sophisticated, secure, scalable, and offer many benefits. Although there are several Python frameworks, such as Falcon, web2py, CherryPy, and Dash, we will discuss Django and Flask here:

Django (Full-stack framework)

Django is a high-level, scalable, highly functional, and fast web framework used for the rapid development of secure and powerful web applications. If you want to acquire knowledge of Python frameworks, start with Django, as it equips you to build efficient web applications ranging from small projects to large corporate websites. 

It has a robust structure for handling tasks, such as user authentication, Django project structures (views, models, and templates), database interaction, templating, and URL routing. Django is also used for machine learning applications and boasts an extensive user base. Its strong community provides constant support for easy debugging. 

Django streamlines the development process, promotes best practices, and reduces boilerplate code. 

Flask (Microframework)

Flask is a lightweight and flexible web framework in Python for building smaller web applications and APIs. It is one of the essential Python developer skills for beginners and experienced developers to learn. This Python microframework provides more control over the application structure than Django.

It also allows developers to create tailored web applications without involving the overhead of a full-fledged framework. It is a great choice for projects that need a smaller footprint or more control over particular functionalities. Important topics to learn in Flask are templating, routing and request handling, building APIs, and extending functionalities. 

3. Data Structures & Algorithms

Data structures are special formats used for organizing and storing data. Common data structures are tuples, sets, lists, and dictionaries. Developers rely on Python to deal with vast amounts of data and perform data-related tasks. Hence, you must be familiar with various technologies, such as big data, data analysis, machine learning, and data science. 

Acquire these skills to build a strong resume and portfolio and apply for diverse job roles in Python. Python offers various libraries to perform different tasks, so learning these technologies would not be as challenging as one may assume. 

Algorithms refer to a step-by-step process for solving problems or performing computations. It is crucial to select the right data structures and algorithms to optimize the performance of Python code and enhance its efficiency. Make sure you learn about basic algorithms (sorting, searching, and traversing), common data structures, and time and space complexity analysis. 

4. Python Language Syntaxes

Syntax is a basic building block in any programming language that defines how to write a program. Python also includes several syntaxes with various elements, such as data types (numbers, text, strings, dictionaries, lists, and booleans), control flow statements (if, else, for loops, while loops), variables, operators (arithmetic, assignment, bitwise, logical), and functions (parameters, defining, return values, and calling). 

We need not mention that understanding syntax is important to writing correct Python programs. It helps you construct well-structured code and perform operations smoothly. 

5. Debugging Skills

Python is easy to learn and is a beginner-friendly language. While writing code and creating Python programs, there might be a situation when you expect a different output but get something else. This can happen while working with the range() function, dividing a number by a negative number that generates an undesired result that rounds toward the negative side of the number line or failing to close a file. 

Such situations demand debugging, which is the process of finding and resolving issues or errors in Python code. Effective debugging skills include using cutting-edge tools and techniques to identify the root cause of a problem and fix it. 

Debugging is among the most sought-after Python full-stack developer skills, as it enables developers to find and solve issues to maintain clean and fully functional code. It requires knowledge of printing variable values, stopping the execution of certain codes, changing the path of a program, and using debugging tools. Moreover, you must know how to find common errors, create debugging strategies, implement problem-solving techniques, and use print statements. 

6. Object Relational Mappers

Object Relational Mapper (ORM) is a class of library that helps convert and transfer data from relational databases (MySQL or PostgreSQL) into Python objects suitable to use in a Python application. ORM makes accessing data simpler by enabling us to interact with databases using objects in Python

Common examples of ORMs are SQLAlchemy, which is used with Flask, TortoiseORM, and Django ORM, which is built into the Django framework. ORMs streamline database interaction in Python apps, reduce boilerplate code for CRUD (create, read, update, and delete) operations, and efficiently deal with complex queries.

You must acquire knowledge of popular ORMs, writing complex database queries using ORMs, and object-relational mapping concepts (models, relationships, and migrations). ORMs are more efficient than SQL as they save ample time by allowing you to pick any database for development. 

7. Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) Concepts

Object-oriented programming (OOP) is among the Python key skills. It refers to a paradigm in programming that focuses on objects, which are data structures encapsulating data and related operations. OOP concepts include inheritance (creating new classes based on existing ones), classes and objects, polymorphism (objects responding differently to a similar method call), and encapsulation (bundling data and methods within a class). 

OOPs in Python is an important concept that promotes code reusability, maintainability, and modularity. We use OOP concepts to structure code and create organized and scalable applications. 

8. Usage of Python Shell

In Python, there is a robust shell that you can use to execute commands in isolation and entirely. Also known as REPL (read, evaluate, print, and loop), it shows that it can read the command, evaluate it, print the result, and wait for the next command.

This text-based command prompt allows you to test your code without creating a file. Python developers also use the Python interpreter to save time and test new code. 

9. Common Python Libraries

Python is known for its rich ecosystem of libraries, which include Pandas, TensorFlow, NumPy, scikit-learn, and more. These libraries make Python a powerful programming language as we can seamlessly perform various data science and machine learning tasks. 

Numerous Python programmers have designed and created libraries that provide tools for data analysis, manipulation, deployment, and model building. These libraries help developers perform various procedures to make the development process seamless, fast, secure, and smooth. 

When you master these libraries, you can use Python more efficiently to build data-driven applications. They contain useful functions so you don’t need to write the code every time from scratch. You can use PyTorch for natural language processing and computer vision, TensorFlow for machine learning, and Requests for HTTP requests.

You must know about machine learning algorithms (classification, regression), data manipulation, deep learning using PyTorch and TensorFlow, and exploratory data analysis techniques. Once you learn these libraries, you can apply for jobs in artificial intelligence, data science, business intelligence, and machine learning.  

Also read: Python Course Syllabus 2024: Fees, Duration, Eligibility, Details

10. List Comprehension and Slicing

List comprehension and slicing are powerful Python features and are among the most in-demand Python backend developer skills. List comprehension is a mechanism for creating a new list based on an existing one or other structures, such as strings. This converts multiple lines of a loop into a single-line, easy-to-understand syntax.

Slicing is applied to strings and lists. It carves out a part or subset of a string or list. Also, it stops you from looping through indices with if conditions to make the code more elegant. 

11. Writing Readable Code With Proper Documentation

Unlike other languages that depend on braces, Python is highly dependent on tabs or spaces. Developers often encounter bugs in the code, so they must maintain readable, easy-to-debug code. 

There can be times when Python code can be too complex to understand for others. Hence, proper documentation is crucial for every code to enhance its readability.

12. Frontend Technologies

Python developers often work with the frontend development team to ensure that the server and client sides align. Therefore, to be a full-stack developer, you must build Python frontend developers skills, including an understanding of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. 

The frontend development languages help you control the visual presentation and interactivity of web pages. So, make sure that you know how the frontend works, what is feasible and what’s not, and how the app will look. 

Yes, most teams include UI/UX designers, SCRUM masters, and project managers to streamline the workflow and deal with the frontend, but it is an important skill for Python developers to be efficient and well-rounded. They must know CSS styling for layout and presentation, frontend frameworks, core HTML elements and structure, and JS fundamentals. This skill helps them build the complete app stack, from backend logic to user interface and can provide them with control over the user experience. 

13. Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence

This is the digital era, and we are living in a virtual world surrounded by artificial intelligence and machine learning. These two fields are part of data science, and Python developers must have a fair understanding of all its aspects to make it big in the industry. 

They must be proficient in adopting AI and ML technologies and have knowledge of data science, data analytics, neural networks, data collection, data visualization, and related areas. 

With expertise in data science and analysis, Python developers can obtain, envision, and interpret the information to find meaningful insights. They can have a clear picture of how the business application is turning out and can predict user behavior. 

14. Usage of Files

In Python, you will frequently interact with files while writing codes. File handling will be vital to your job, whether you need to store results in a file, work with data, etc. 

Hence, make sure that you can work with files seamlessly and master file I/O or file handling. Take a comprehensive Python development course online to gain hands-on experience in file handling and build a strong portfolio that makes you a top candidate during job interviews.

15. Deep Learning

Deep learning is part of data science, so Python developers are expected to have a strong grasp of its concepts and neural network architecture. Deep learning concepts are different from those covered in machine learning, artificial intelligence, and data science basics. 

In deep learning, you must know about video processing, audio processing, and natural language processing. 

16. Understanding of Multi-Process Architecture

Among the top Python developer skills required is multi-process architecture, which involves know-how of codes used to release and deploy applications. You might have a team with a design engineer to do this, but you must understand how the code works to handle the entire project.

A full-fledged Python developer knows about MVC (Model View Controller) and MVT (Model View Template) architecture. The knowledge of multi-process architecture will enable you to solve issues related to the core framework.

17. Version Control

There are multiple changes in the source code and you must be able to track these changes effectively. This is a primary job responsibility and a vital skill that companies expect in candidates. 

Git is a distributed version control system used to track changes to code. It allows developers to collaborate without hassle on the same project as they can see the history of changes, go back to previous changes, and merge code. Developers use Git to ensure the code is traceable, organized, and recoverable in case of an error. 

Developers must know how to set up GitHub and familiarize themselves with words like commit, pull, fork, and push. They should also learn other important topics, such as working with remote repositories, Git fundamentals, using Git features for team collaboration, and branching and merging strategies. This will allow them to handle varied versions of code and track each change. 

Python Developer Soft Skills

1. Analytical Skills

Analytical skill is a must to be a good Python developer. It is one of the most sought-after Python developer skills for freshers and experienced. Analytical skills include an understanding of building scalable websites, data visualization, algorithm optimization, and writing clean code. 

2. Communication Skills

Regardless of the job role or field, communication skills have become one of recruiters’ top priorities. They want candidates who can communicate effectively with team members, clients, and stakeholders, avoid confusion, and ensure the successful delivery of projects. 

As a Python developer, you must be able to bridge any communication gap while avoiding misunderstandings. You should know how to convey technical aspects to technical and non-technical members concisely and clearly. When you can interact with your colleagues during code review and contribute to your team efficiently, it means half your job is done. It also helps you solve problems and maintain good relationships with your team members. 

Communication skills also include documenting code and making decisions for future reference. They are not restricted to conveying ideas but also focus on active listening to understand user needs and project requirements. 

3. Design Skills

Good design skills include the capability to design scalable products and implement servers in a way that they are highly available. It is an inevitable part of a Python developer skills set, so you must work on your design skills.

Consider Python frameworks, Django and Flask, as you design an app or website because Python can be used in server-side and client-side programming. 

4. Collaboration and Teamwork

As a Python developer, you will work with a team that includes designers, quality analysts, programmers, project managers, and other developers. You will have to work with them on various projects while maintaining healthy work relationships. 

So, hone your teamwork skills to work as a team member to achieve common goals. Learn how to adapt, accept feedback, and work on your flaws. You should also be able to communicate your ideas clearly with your colleagues and contribute positively to create a collaborative development environment. 

Also read: 125+ Python Interview Questions and Answers

How to Build Python Developer Skills

You know all the key Python developer skills, but the question is how to build them. Mastering Python demands consistent practice, constant learning, and dedication. Here are some useful tips to develop the above-mentioned skills:

1. Build a Strong Foundation

Start by learning the core concepts of Python, including syntax, data structures, and control flow. Make sure you understand the basics and then move on to the advanced topics. 

2. Attend Python Conferences

Many institutes and colleges organize Python conferences for aspirants and professionals where they can learn different techniques, methods, and ideas for coding. These conferences help them stay updated with the latest developments in the industry and observe new programming products, which expands their knowledge. Experts from different sectors share their experiences in such conferences to guide young minds. There are productive discussions that can help you enhance your work. You get to know about the latest research, ask questions, share your thoughts, and whatnot. 

3. Take Online Courses

Sign up for a top-notch and reliable Python course to build practical skills and seek guidance from industry leaders. There are ample institutes offering quality courses; choose the one that suits your requirements and career goals. WsCube Tech offers a comprehensive Python course that provides learners with hands-on experience and professional certifications.  

4. Consistent Practice

Coding demands consistent practice. So, invest enough time to build new projects and try new ideas. You can start with basic codes and then opt for advanced coding techniques to be an accomplished Python developer. You can also explore new coding practices and design patterns to hone your skills. Take risks, make mistakes, ask for feedback, and work on your weaknesses. 

5. Participate in Open Source Projects

Try your hands on different open source projects to learn from experienced and skilled developers, seek practical experience, and build an impressive portfolio.

6. Build Mini Projects

Gradually, put your learning into practice by working on mini but a bit more complex projects that test your knowledge and allow you to learn something new.

7. Follow Python Blogs and Communities

There are many websites, YouTube channels, forums, and communities that post regularly about Python and its updates. Follow them to learn about the best practices and trends. You can even ask queries and share your doubts to get assistance from Python communities. 

8. Explore Advanced Topics

Now that you have built a strong foundation and have worked on mini-projects, it’s time to delve into advanced topics, such as data science libraries, machine learning, and web development frameworks. 

9. Review Codes Written by Other Developers

One of the best ways to build Python programming skills is to read coding examples by other developers and review them. Visit various websites to find codes, establish a peer code review system for collaboration, and share your feedback. You can also ask other developers to check your code for improvements.

10. Read Books and Documentation

Read online books and official documentation to enhance your learning and acquire knowledge. 

11. Ask for Feedback

Ask your mentor, manager, colleagues, or guide to review your work and share their feedback. Request their opinion on your performance and identify your strengths and weaknesses to improve. Find areas for improvement and work on your flaws. 

FAQs- Python Developer Skills

1. What are the industry-specific Python skills that I should learn?

Some industries heavily rely on Python. So, you need to focus on a few industry-specific skills to work in a specific field. For example, the e-commerce industry demands web scraping skills, whereas finance requires financial data analysis skills

2. What is an Object Relational Mapper?

Object relational mapper (ORM) is a class of libraries that expedites the data shift from a relational database to Python objects. It creates a virtual object database that can be used within a programming language.

3. Is Python in high demand?

Python is among the most sought-after skills and languages worldwide. It is a top-ranked language for usage and developer satisfaction. It is in high demand across various industries, including finance, artificial intelligence, web development, machine learning, automation, and data science. Its versatility, ease of use, extensive library, and active community support add to the popularity of Python and the top choice among companies and organizations.

4. What is basic Python knowledge?

Basic knowledge of Python includes a fair understanding of its core concepts, such as syntax, data structures, variables, data types, operators, expedition handling, file I/O, etc.  

5. How to hone Python developer skills after learning the basics?

Once you learn the basics, put your knowledge into practice by gaining hands-on experience. Build mini projects, participate in online challenges, expand your network, contribute to open-source projects, and be a part of other online activities to upskill yourself and build a strong portfolio that showcases your capabilities and knowledge. 

6. What are the benefits of learning Python developer skills?

Mastering Python developer skills makes you a top candidate for various jobs in leading companies. You can work in different fields, such as automation, machine learning, web development, and data science. You can also increase your job prospects and demand high salary packages in the competitive job market.

7. What are the Python frameworks or libraries that are in demand in 2024?

Although Django and Flask are the most popular frameworks of Python, various other libraries, such as TensorFlow, NumPy, Pandas, and scikit-learn, are also in demand. So, improve your knowledge of Python frameworks and libraries to make a promising career.

8. What are the key responsibilities of a Python developer?

A Python developer is responsible for:
-Developing secure websites
-Optimizing data algorithms
-Implementing data protection
-Writing reusable, testable, and effective code
-Creating websites and web applications
-Resolving issues related to data analytics

9. What jobs can I apply for after learning Python developer skills?

As a skilled Python developer, you can apply for various job roles, such as full-stack developer, data scientist, data analyst, automation engineer, web developer, and backend developer. 

10. Can I learn Python developer skills without any experience or technical background?

Although academic knowledge is beneficial in learning Python, it is not essential. Python has a clear and simple syntax and offers vast learning resources, so it is an ideal choice for beginners. You can easily find online courses, books, tutorials, and communities to improve your knowledge and establish a strong foundation. 


So, what are you waiting for? Master Python developer skills to explore exciting opportunities and achieve success in the tech world. We hope this blog will guide you to take your first step toward your professional journey. Make sure to be consistent, dedicated, and focused. Also, use the right learning resources to sharpen your skills and become a proficient Python developer.