Java vs JavaScript: All Differences Explained With Comparison

Java vs JavaScript: All Differences Explained With Comparison

Because of the similarity in names, it makes everyone wonder what is the difference between Java and JavaScript. So, to help you understand all the differences between the two, we have created this comprehensive yet quick guide with a full comparison.

Java and JavaScript are among the most widely-used programming languages in the software and web development industry. The similarity in names may lead some to believe they have some sort of connection. However, in reality, they are very different. Both languages are written and executed differently and are used for a variety of tasks. 

These programming languages have been used by programmers for a variety of tasks.  However, their similarity ends with the word “Java”. Java and JavaScript have been around for a long time and are still popular today. If you are a coder, you are bound to come across both terms even if you take an occasional interest in these fields. 

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This article is going to unravel the concept behind both programming languages and how they contribute to the tech world differently. So, here, we will talk about:

  • Java vs JavaScript differences
  • Which is better from JavaScript and Java?
  • Tabular comparison
  • Differences based on different terms

And more…

Before getting into knowing the difference between Java and JavaScript, let’s understand what both these languages are meant for, their uses, pros, and cons, etc.

What is Java?

Java is a class-based, object-oriented programming language that is designed to run on a virtual machine. Java was developed by Sun Microsystems in the 1990s and is now owned by Oracle. More than 3 billion devices run on Java programming language today!

Java is known for its WORA (Write Once, Run Anywhere) capabilities. This signifies that Java code can run on any platform, as long as the platform has Java virtual machine, also known as JVM, installed on it. JVM ensures that Java supports the feature of Write Once, Run Anywhere to support cross-platform adaptability. 

This capability of Java makes it a popular choice for building large-scale enterprise applications, including web and mobile applications. If you are preparing for a job interview in this field, then going through the top Java 8 interview questions and answers is crucial.

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Main Uses and Applications of Java

Some of the most common uses and applications of Java include:

1. Desktop Applications

Java can be used to develop desktop applications, such as media players, image editors, and games.

2. Enterprise Software

Java is widely used for developing enterprise-level applications, such as customer relationship management (CRM) systems, inventory management systems, and human resources management systems.

3. Web Applications

Java can be used to develop server-side components for web applications, such as e-commerce websites, social media platforms, and content management systems.

4. Mobile Applications

Java is the primary programming language used to develop Android mobile apps, making it one of the most popular languages for mobile app development.

5. Scientific Applications

Java can be used to develop scientific applications, such as weather forecasting systems, simulations, and data analysis tools.

6. Cloud Computing

Java is widely used for cloud computing, as it is well-suited to building large-scale, distributed systems that can handle large amounts of data and processing.

7. Financial Applications

Java is used to develop financial applications, such as stock trading systems, banking systems, and insurance systems.

8. Embedded Systems

Java can be used to develop embedded systems, such as smart home devices, medical equipment, and industrial control systems.

These are just a few examples of the many uses and applications of Java. The versatility and power of Java make it a popular choice for a wide range of projects and industries, from small-scale desktop applications to large-scale enterprise systems.

Top Benefits of Java Programming Language

It is important to know why we should use Java. Let’s discuss some of Java’s features and advantages:

1. Object-Oriented

The Java programming language encompasses all the features of object-oriented programing, such as Abstraction, Encapsulation, Inheritance, etc. All these OOPs concepts grant several benefits to the Java programming language, including enhanced security, the prevention of data redundancy, simplified problem-solving, etc. 

2. Platform-Independent and Portable 

This is the most valuable feature of Java Programming Language. Java is built in such a way that it can run on any platform, machine, or operating system. As long as the platform has JVM (Java Virtual Machine) installed on it, Java code is good to run. This allows Java to build cross-platform applications that need to run on different platforms or applications.  

3. Secure and Reliable

Java has a built-in security manager that acts as a guard which restricts access to system resources based on the permissions assigned to an application. This is how Java prevents malicious code from external systems. 

4. Multi-Threaded

Java supports multi-threading, which enables multiple threads to execute concurrently within a single process. It is suited for applications that want to run multiple tasks at the same time.

Read the top Java Interview Questions and Answers to have a better idea of this programming language and become able to crack your job interview. 

Disadvantages of Java (Limitations)

Every coin has two sides, and so does Java. We looked at the positive aspect of the language, and now let’s dive into the negative aspect of it as well.

1. Performance

Java gives slow performance due to the additional tasks of compilation and interpretation. Since Java consumes high memory, it puts a heavy load on the CPU and slows down the performance and efficiency of the language. 

2. Memory Management

The auto garbage collector automatically collects unused and unnecessary objects. It puts a heavy load on the processor and increases the time to complete a task. 

3. Backup

Backup is another significant drawback of Java programming language. Java can collect and store data but does not have a strong facility to back up the data.

What is JavaScript?

JavaScript is a high-level programming language that is primarily used for creating dynamic, interactive pages and web-based applications. It was developed by Brendan Eich in the mid-1990s while working at Netscape Communications Corporation. 

JavaScript, along with HTML and CSS, forms the trio of fundamental technologies crucial for web development. JavaScript is a scripting language that runs on the client side (i.e. in your user’s web browser) and is also used to add interactivity and dynamic behaviour to web pages. It can also be used to develop server-side applications using technologies such as Node.js.

The language has evolved over the years and is now widely supported by all modern web browsers, making it a popular choice for web developers.

If you want to build your career with JS, then going for a MERN Stack Course online will prove to be fruitful. 

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Top Features and Benefits of JavaScript

Without diverting from the topic, let’s get back to JavaScript features. Let’s look at the features and advantages of JavaScript:

1. Light-weight

JavaScript is a lightweight scripting language. It indicates that JavaScript has minimalistic features and characteristics. It is also easy to implement 

2. Event-Handling

An event is basically an action or an occurrence in a system. For example, a user clicks on a button, and the system tells the user to respond to the button click event. Here clicking of a button is an event that would further need an action to be performed.

In event-driven programming, the program waits for events to occur and then executes code in response to events.

Event-driven programming is a key feature of the JavaScript language. By handling events and responding to them, JavaScript enables a user-friendly experience that can dynamically update and respond to user actions.

3. Async Processing

When a program can continue to execute other tasks while waiting for the completion of one or more long-running tasks. 

This kind of processing allows for more efficient use of system resources and results in faster and more responsive programs. Asynchronous processing is widely used in JavaScript. 

4. Cross-Platform Compatibility

Just like Java, JavaScript can be run on various platforms, including web browsers, servers, and stand-alone applications. This feature makes it a versatile language for web development. 

Read the top JavaScript Interview Questions and Answers to be able to crack your next job interview.

Disadvantages of JavaScript (Limitations)

Let’s head to the disadvantages of JavaScript to understand the scope of the language better.

1. Time-consumption

JavaScript has varied complex functionalities, and it can take up a lot of time to convert these functions into machine-readable code. This in turn reduces the website speed and also serves a bad user experience. 

2. Front-end Security

JavaScript is a client-scripting language, the code runs on the browser. It makes source code more visible and also harpers code security.

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Differences Between Java and JavaScript

Now that we have evaluated both languages, their features, advantages and disadvantages, it’s time to see what is the difference between Java and JavaScript. These are two different programming languages with distinct features and use-case scenarios. 

Below are some key differences between the two based on different factors:

1. Syntax


Java uses a syntax that is familiar to C/C++. The data types in Java need a declaration.


The syntax of JavaScript programming language is similar to scripting languages such as Pearl or Python. The data types in JavaScript need no declaration. 

2. Compilation and Interpretation


Java is both compiled and interpreted. A compiled language is a type of programming in which the source code is compiled into a machine code, which can be executed directly by the computer’s hardware.

The compilation is more efficient in comparison to the interpretation. 


JavaScript is an interpreted language and is interpreted only on web browsers directly. 

An interpreted language is a type of programming language in which source code is not compiled into machine code, but is instead executed directly by an interpreter. The interpreter reads the source code and executes the instructions as they are written, line by line.

3. Language Type


Java is a class-based object-oriented programming language. It is a stand-alone language.


It is a prototype-based scripting language. JavaScript is not stand-alone, it has to be incorporated into the HTML program for operation.

4. Concurrency

Concurrency is the phenomenon of handling multiple different instructions that are running at the same time.


Java ensures concurrency by using multi-threading which makes the program faster and more efficient. 


JavaScript does not support the concept of multiple events taking place at the same time. 

5. Source Code Visibility


Java programming language has hidden source code. The source code is in the form of byte code that cannot be read by any third parties. 


It runs the code on a browser, which is a plain text visible to everybody. 

6. Requirements


To run a Java program, the developer needs to have an entire Java Development Kit (JDK).


JavaScript only requires a text editor to write the code.

7. Security


Java programming language has been designed in such a way that its primary motive is to make source code as secure as possible. It provides robust features to support that.


In order to ensure tight security in JavaScript, developers need to explicitly add functions. JavaScript’s code is essentially not secured as it is visible to the user in plain text format.

8. File Extension


Java supports “.Java” file extension.


JavaScript supports “.JavaScript” file extension.

9. Companies using Java and JavaScript


Netflix, Airbnb, Google, etc. 


Paypal, Uber, Microsoft, etc.

10. Suitability


Java can be used for several types of applications, such as Mobile applications, Big Data technologies, IoT applications, Cloud-based applications, etc.


JavaScript is used primarily for front-end development. It can be used for building web and server applications, game development, mobile application development, etc.

Java vs JavaScript: Which is Better?

It’s not a matter of Java vs JavaScript being “better” or “worse,” as both languages have their own strengths and weaknesses and are suited to different types of applications and projects. 

The choice between Java and JavaScript depends on the specific requirements of the project and the skills and preferences of the developer.

If you are a beginner, then you can kickstart your career in this field by going for an online web development course with a certificate and placement. 

Java is a statically-typed, general-purpose programming language that is often used for large-scale, enterprise-level applications, such as desktop software, enterprise software, and mobile apps. Java has a strong emphasis on security and stability, and it is used by many major corporations for their backend systems.

JavaScript, on the other hand, is a dynamically-typed, client-side scripting language that is mainly used for creating interactive elements on websites, such as forms, animations, and dynamic content. JavaScript is also used on the server side with the help of Node.js and is used to create full-stack web applications.

In summary, Java is a powerful and versatile language that is well-suited to complex, large-scale applications, while JavaScript is a lightweight and flexible language that is ideal for creating interactive elements on websites. Both languages have their own unique strengths and weaknesses, and the choice between them depends on the specific needs of the project and the skills and preferences of the developer.

Suggested Reading: List of Front End Languages for Web Development in 2024

Java vs JavaScript: Which is Easier to Learn?

The ease of learning Java and JavaScript depends on the individual and varies according to their exposure to programming languages. 

For people with prior experience in Object-Oriented Programming, it is relatively easier for them to learn Java due to the syntax and structure. On the other hand, JavaScript offers more flexibility when it comes to syntax. People who are familiar with HTML and CSS will find it easier to learn JavaScript.

Regardless of your current knowledge and skills, you can go for an online web development course or MERN Stack Developer Course in India to build your career in these fields.

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Java vs JavaScript Salary in India

The salary for Java and JavaScript developers in India can vary greatly depending on several factors, such as location, experience, and the size and type of the company.

In 2024, JavaScript developers tend to earn higher salaries than Java developers. The scenario was different a few years ago, where Java Developers used to earn more.

According to Glassdoor, the average salary for a Java developer in India is around INR 4,90,000 per year, while the average salary for a JavaScript developer is around INR 6,05,000 per year.

  • Java Developer Salary: ₹4.9 LPA
  • JavaScript Developer Salary: ₹6.05 LPA

JavaScript is a highly versatile language that is used in a wide range of applications, from web development to mobile app development to server-side programming. As a result, JavaScript developers have more job opportunities and a wider range of salaries.

It is worth noting that the salary for a Java or JavaScript developer will also depend on a variety of factors, including their experience, location, and the type of company they work for. 

It’s important to keep in mind that salary is just one factor to consider when choosing a career in programming. Other factors, such as job satisfaction, growth potential, and job security, are also important to consider.

Suggested Reading: Average Full Stack Developer Salary in India 2024

JavaScript vs Java: Comparison With All Differences

Yes, here’s a comparison table showing the differences between Java and JavaScript:

Type of LanguageObject-OrientedObject-Based
Object CreationClassesObjects
SyntaxC-style syntaxC-style syntax with some differences
Error HandlingTry-Catch blocksTry-Catch blocks
Execution EnvironmentStandalone, Web, MobileWeb
UsageStandalone applications, server-side web development, Android mobile app developmentWeb development, browser scripting, server-side development with Node.js

FAQs Related to the Difference Between JavaScript and Java

1. Who developed Java?

Java was developed by James Gosling, Mike Sheridan, and Patrick Naughton at Sun Microsystems (which has since been acquired by Oracle Corporation) in the mid-1990s.

2. Who developed JavaScript?

JavaScript was developed by Brendan Eich in 1995 while he was working at Netscape Communications Corporation. It was initially called Mocha, then changed to LiveScript, and finally to JavaScript. 

3. What are Client-side Applications?

Client-side applications are software programs that run on a client’s device, such as a computer, smartphone, or tablet, rather than on a server. These applications interact with servers by requesting data and content, and then process the received data to display dynamic web pages.

Examples of client-side applications include web-browser, browser extensions, mobile applications, etc. 

4. What are Server-side Applications?

Server-side applications refer to the software programs that run on a server, rather than on a client’s device, to fulfill requests made by clients over the internet. These kinds of applications process incoming requests, carry out the needful computations and data processing and then return the result to the client. 

Examples of server-side applications include web servers (Apache, Nginx), e-commerce platforms (Shopify), etc.

5. What do Java and JavaScript have in common?

Java and JavaScript, both are high-level programming and share the same syntax, object-oriented as they work on “objects” that have properties and methods and are platform-independent.

6. Is Java and JavaScript different?

Yes, Java and JavaScript are different languages altogether. Java is a class-based, object-oriented language that is designed to run on a virtual machine. On the other hand, JavaScript is a scripting language. 

7. Why do Java and JavaScript have similar names?

Java and JavaScript have similar names due to a marketing strategy by Netscape, the creator of JavaScript. In the mid-1990s, Netscape was looking for a way to make their web browser more attractive to developers, and they decided to create a new scripting language that would allow them to add dynamic, interactive elements to web pages.

At the time, Java was gaining popularity as a programming language, and Netscape saw this as an opportunity to tap into the buzz surrounding Java. They chose to name their new scripting language “JavaScript” to ride on the coattails of Java’s success and to suggest that their language was somehow related to or compatible with Java.

However, despite its name, JavaScript has little in common with Java, and it is not a subset or variant of Java. The two languages have different syntax, features, and uses, and they are not directly compatible with one another. Nevertheless, the name “JavaScript” has stuck, and it is now one of the most widely-used scripting languages on the web.

8. What is the difference between Java and JavaScript?

Java is a statically-typed, object-oriented programming language, while JavaScript is a dynamically-typed, object-based scripting language. Java is mainly used for standalone applications, server-side web development, and Android mobile app development, while JavaScript is mainly used for client-side web development and browser scripting.

9. What is the typing system used in Java and JavaScript?

Java uses a static typing system, where the type of a variable must be declared before it can be used. JavaScript, on the other hand, uses a dynamic typing system, where the type of a variable can change at runtime.

10. How does Java compare to JavaScript in terms of execution environment?

Java can be run on a standalone environment, as well as in a web or mobile environment, while JavaScript is mainly used for web development and is executed in a browser environment.

11. How do Java and JavaScript handle object creation?

Java uses classes to create objects, while JavaScript uses objects directly without classes.

12. How does the syntax of Java and JavaScript compare?

The syntax of Java is similar to that of C, with some added features for object-oriented programming. The syntax of JavaScript is also similar to C, but with some differences.

13. How do Java and JavaScript handle an inheritance?

Java uses class-based inheritance, where objects inherit properties and behaviors from a class. JavaScript uses prototype-based inheritance, where objects inherit properties and behaviors from a prototype object.

14. How do Java and JavaScript handle error handling?

Both Java and JavaScript use try-catch blocks to handle errors.

15. Is Java better than JavaScript or vice versa?

It depends on the specific use case and the requirements of the project. Java is better suited for standalone applications, server-side web development, and Android mobile app development, while JavaScript is better suited for client-side web development and browser scripting. 

Both languages have their own strengths and weaknesses, and the best choice depends on the specific requirements of the project.

Both languages have their own strengths and weaknesses, and the best choice depends on the specific requirements of the project.

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Wrapping Up:

This article aimed to provide you with a perspective on both languages. And it is evident to say that no one language is superior to the other. Both have their own demands and use-case in the marketplace. We hope this article explained the difference between Java and JavaScript programming languages.